
03/03/2025 - 09/03/2025


4:30pm - 5:00pm


Alison Cheesman
5:00pm - 6:00pm

Kids bjj beginner & intermediate

Alison Cheesman, Andrew Mavridis
6:00pm - 7:00pm

Co-ed kickboxing

6/25 Book
7:00pm - 7:45pm

Sparring/open mat

Alison Cheesman, Andrew Mavridis Book


5:00pm - 6:00pm

Kids 6-9 kickboxing beginner & intermediate

Andrew Mavridis
6:00pm - 7:00pm

Youth kickboxing beginner & intermediate

Alison Cheesman, Andrew Mavridis
7:00pm - 8:00pm

Men's and women's BJJ

Alison Cheesman, Andrew Mavridis Book


4:30pm - 5:00pm


Alison Cheesman
5:00pm - 6:00pm

Kids bjj beginner & intermediate

Alison Cheesman, Andrew Mavridis
6:00pm - 7:00pm

Adult co-ed kickboxing

Alison Cheesman, Andrew Mavridis 3/25 Book
7:00pm - 7:45pm

Sparring/open mat

Alison Cheesman, Andrew Mavridis Book
7:45pm - 9:15pm

Women's Kickboxing 7:45

Alison Cheesman, Andrew Mavridis 2/25 Book


5:00pm - 6:00pm

Kids kickboxing 6-9 beginner & intermediate

Alison Cheesman, Andrew Mavridis
6:00pm - 7:00pm

Youth kickboxing beginner & intermediate

Alison Cheesman, Andrew Mavridis
7:00pm - 8:00pm

Men's and Women's BJJ

Alison Cheesman, Andrew Mavridis 1/25 Book


5:00pm - 5:45pm

Little Grapplers

Alison Cheesman, Andrew Mavridis
5:45pm - 6:15pm

My Little warrior

Alison Cheesman, Andrew Mavridis
6:15pm - 7:00pm

Adult co-ed kickboxing

Alison Cheesman, Andrew Mavridis Book
7:00pm - 8:15pm


Andrew Mavridis Book


No sessions


2:00pm - 3:00pm

Open gym

Alison Cheesman, Andrew Mavridis
6:00pm - 6:45pm


Alison Cheesman, Andrew Mavridis Book
No sessions found

+5% GST

Assumption of Risk

In considerations of the acceptance of participation to enter THE GYM110 inc.  I, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, waive any claims to which I become entitled to for injury or damages and release THE GYM110 inc. as well as all other representatives, agents and employees and any other person or organization assisting in the business or event from any claims for damages or injury suffered by me as a result of my participation in or travelling to or from the business or event for which I am undertaking. I further state that I am in proper physical condition to participate in this activity and am aware that participation could, in some circumstances, result in physical injury.

Release of Liability

I understand that my participation will include but not be limited to exercising, training, and sparring and that these activities pose inherent risks to myself or to the child for which I am legal guardian.

REGARDLESS OF THE RISK OF INJURY, I CONSENT to attend and participate in activities atTHE GYM110 inc. and I assume responsibility for all risks of every nature and kind.

Dress Code


Students should come to class prepared for physical activity. 

Students under the age of 18, regardless of gender are expected to wear active-wear shorts, tights or sweat pants and a appropriately fitting t-shirt.

Absolutely no, crop tops or tank tops.

Piercings must be removed before class or taped for safety. All jewelry and accessories must be removed before class. . 

Students must practice proper hygiene including deodorant for older students, fingernails and toenails must be clipped, and long hair pulled back.

Disciplinary Procedures

THE GYM 110 is an inclusive gym that does not discriminate against gender, sexuality or physical ability.  THE GYM 110 upholds the martial arts mindset of discipline and respect first. As students are learning skills that could cause harm to themselves or others if misused. And whereas safe, light contact is inherent in martial arts classes at THE GYM 110. Students will be expected to show self control and abide by all rules and expectations at the gym. Students who fail to meet the behaviour expectations of their coach or display aggressive, unsafe or bullying behaviours of any kind to their classmates will be asked to sit out for some or all of class depending on the severity of the behaviour.  Students who receive 3 or more disciplinary actions will need to have a meeting with their coach and guardians to continue classes. If students are unable to show safe and controlled behaviour they may lose the privelege of attending class.  Class session fees are non-refundable. 

*If a student has special needs (autism, adhd, odd etc) coaches must be informed before the beginning of a class session.  An individualized discipline plan will be created in collaboration with their guardian and coach to ensure their enjoyment and safety in class. 


Medical Emergencies

In the event of a medical emergency I understand that THE GYM 110 and their employees will respond by calling 911 and administering first-aid.  Any costs associated with ambulance or other emergency medical transportation shall be assumed by the client or their guardian. Emergency contacts will be notified once the client is in medical care. 

Payment Policies

Payment for sessions will be made in advance. Continuing memberships will require direct withdrawal linked to a current bank account or credit card. NSF fees will be assumed by the client.  After an initial NSF an administrative fee of $50 will be applied to each failed transaction. Memberships that are not in good standing will result in exclusion from classes until payment issues are resolved. 

Comportment and Respectful Behaviour

I AGREE that I will not engage in improper or unlawful conduct and will adhere to the rules of THE GYM 110.  I agree that I may be asked to leave THE GYM 110 at any time if I fail to meet my undertakings, and I agree to promptly leave when requested to do so.

Continue to payment

Booking Confirmed

Let's Go!

See you on the mats!

Added to waitlist

You are now on the waitlist. If a spot opens up we will notify you via Email.


Kid's Classes

Choose from kickboxing, grappling or both for children and youth ages 6-17. Our programs are built with child development in mind by a certified educator and a professional mma fighter. In a fun and safe environment, students learn to be strong inside and out, respect themselves and others and gain new and exciting skills in combat sports.

Parent and Tot Classes

Parents with very little ones can still enjoy training at the Gym 110. In these classes, engage your tiny human's mind and build important early gross motor skills while you workout with martial arts techniques and movements.


For 4-7 year-olds we offer a shortened class that encourages the use of important gross motor skills and teaches the beginning skills in kickboxing. We learn about respecting our classmates and keeping our bodies in control in this active and fun class for little champions.

Adult Classes

Whether you come to us brand new to martial arts or have experience there is a class for you. Sharpen your skills and be prepared to work-hard and be a better everyday. Recreational and competitive martial artists welcome.

Women's Only Classes

Classes designed specifically for women. Build confidence and get an intense workout in an environment where you can feel safe and supported by your fellow ladies. Build you courage, confidence and control while you learn real martial arts skills.

Teen Classes

These high energy classes are designed to help your teen be active and healthy and gain confidence as they learn powerful skills in combat sports. Whether it's kickboxing, BJJ or both, recreational and competitive pathways are offered. Our students work towards personal goals while learning to be a great team-mate!